Iran first night out in Tabriz - horrible food, but Shisha. And sweating with all the gear..
Early start adn say goodbye to Martin, our latvian driver. We will soon miss him, being so reliable, on time, stopping every 2 hours and finding regular food for us.
The border crossing took ages. First of all a whole busload of Iranians thought they could just push in between us on the Turkish side - as if we were in a game of rugby!
Then we crossed over to Iran, covered our hair and everyone got to sit down in the waiting area. The place was absolutely packed. People were looking at us curiously, there certainly are not many Westerners crossing this border... I made first friend, an Iranian girl whose english was very good asked me about our travels and everything. She was more or less the translator for everyone else in the queue as everyone wanted to know what we were doing there, where we were from, etc.
After a few hours of waiting we finally got through, the Brits gave their fingerprints and we started the drive through even more deserted regions towards Tabriz, the 5th largest city in Iran. No food anywhere.
After we got our hotel we finally went to an Amusement Park to find some food - spirits were a bit low at that point. Even lower when we got our first meal. Cold bread (loads of it) with cold kebap, three tomatohalves and a few superspicy chilies. Not even the Waterpipe afterwards could make us much happier. I felt quite uncomfortable with my headscarf on, I guess I just had to get used to it. Lets see what tomorrow brings...
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