Day 16 and another long drive. After a bit of a sleepin, another good breakfast at the Flintstones and a group photo in front of very suspicious rock formations, we headed towards eastern Anatolia. As the landscape changed from flat to hilly, our bus had to work quite hard, and failed a few times. According to professional engineer-opinions on the bus it was just the driver and not the bus (which must be true - it´s a Mercedes after all!), but anyways, we had to stop a few times on the road. It was not too bad though, as we passed some picturesque, snowcapped mountains, so the cameras were all in again.
We had our lunch in a little place where they were quite astonished to see us all playing ball at the service station. The sight of Erzincan was not as impressive as the rugged landscape that we have driven through, a bit of a backwater (or a shock?) for those who were looking forward to a nice Gin and Tonic. No such thing as fancy bars, just the local Kebap Shop and some shifty upstairs-bars hidden behind velvet curtains. We ended up splitting up into small groups and everyone experienced some unique meeting-ups with the locals. When we let our restaurant they all stood up in a line to shake our hands. We ended up drinking beers at the hotel reception - to get as much in as we can before we enter dry country!
Fotos later!
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