Only a short drive from Vienna and we reached Hungary and Budapest. As it was the 1st of May we all went for a stroll to the City Park and famous Heros Square with its Millenium Monument. You can see the 7 founders of Hungary, some bloody strong men on their horses. The park was full of people, and you could´ve seen a slight similarity between them and their ancestors. Everything here seems to be supersized. Not only the people, but especially the food. I have never seen sausages that size, pickles, bread and Rösti (or our good old Reibekuchen). Gigantomanic frying pans and everyone was eating eating eating.
After we´d seen enough, we took the second oldest Metro to the Danube riverbanks, had some dinner and some of us headed to one of the epic party islands! Good times!
after a sleep that did not last so long not all of us were really able to do lots of sightseeing, so we decided to treat ourselves to a Hungarian bath. Not without reason the Romans had settled there to make us of the worlds largest thermal springs. There are lots of baths and it seems to be the hotspot for old and young on a sunday afternoon. The place was absolutely packed, the sun was shining and we had a good relaxing afternoon.
Next stop, Belgrade. Getting further east, deeper into the Eastern Block...
Next stop, Belgrade. Getting further east, deeper into the Eastern Block...
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