I am Anne, Tourleader of the OZBUS16. I will be going on a new adventure this Sunday, driving on a bus from London to Sydney. It will take 92 days, 3months and 17 countries to get there, and I am bloody excited!
From now on I will be writing my blog in English, because thats gonna be my main language, so why not practice a bit already...
To tell you what you missed out on in the last few years quickly, I started travelling in Australia in 2006, came back home every once iin a while and went on my first tourguiding trip to New Zealand. Back in Oz, I toured around the island, worked here and there, got stuck in Margaret River and into the caves...After that I found my new home for the last two winter seasons, Crackenback Farm in the Snowy Mountains. I will be happy to go back there, even if it might be only for a quick visit, this year. I learned Thai Massage in Thailand and did tourguiding in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia, and in Argentina. I know how to cook and do that in the european winter in the ("real") mountains. There is a lot more to say, but I dont wanna miss the bus, it´ll only stop at my doorstep once, and then it´d gonna head to the Iranian border - not straight, but sort of...
If you want to follow me, have a look at my page every now and then. I hope I have time to spare to share all my impressions with you (otherwise I tell one of the passengers to do it for me ;-).
All the best to you, goodbye Germany and I´m looking forward to seeing everyone back on the other side!!!!
Anne! great that you write in english. so i finally can follow your blog. hope you feel great. i'm in stockholm studying graphic design. check my blog out. some of my stuff is published. hope to see you soon in the future.
take care.
big hug and good luck.
/anna maria
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