India part 2
Roads packed with cars, rickshaws, motorbikes, donkeys, trucks and people, people, people – welcome back to India!
Two and a half days of driving through West Bengal and through South Darjeelings tea plants until we reached Kalkutta, the poorest city I have ever seen. It is different to hear about it than to see it with your own eyes. Homeless people sleeping on the streets, children begging for water, washing their clothes on public tap water. I have been to poor places before and seen poverty, but it really struck me hard. Our hotel was actually the nicest one in this part of India, but as soon as we walked out of it and across the bridge towards the city center, we walked past wallpaper huts along the railway and so many poor people. I felt really uncomfortable walking along behind the others, past children trying to touch me all and with my camera in my pocket. All that I could think of was how much I appreciate everything that I have.
We visited the Mother Teresa House where the nuns were just holding a mourning service for a sisterwho had passed away that day. We saw her tomb and soaked in the atmosphere for a while. A boy was waiting for us outside. He had shown us the entrance and was asking for some milk in return. We took him to the next shop and asked him to chose something he would like to eat or drink. Cheeky one picked to Cadbury Chocolate selection that cost around 10 Euro. We got him some juice and made him open it as he wanted to sell it back to the shop owner straight away.
Cheeky bugger, but we would probably all do the same...
Another stop further in the old colonial taxi and we reached the Queen Victoria Monument, a huge palace-like building surrounded by a pig park that had a quite amusing watershow on. Ready to watch some more football and to have another Giin and Tonic, we made our way to a very modern and not poor at all seeming part of Kolkatta, with lots of bars and restaurants and wealthy people and all. What a surprise this city was, by all means.
But still, I think everyone was looking forward to catching the flight to Bangkok the nesxt morning, massage, cheap food, good nightlife, lots more temples, and the country of the smile, here we go!
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